4 Texas-Inspired Gift Ideas For A New Baby

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Beautiful Hanging Baskets

Like my mom, I’ve never been good at gardening. Sadly, I usually have extreme difficulties keeping plants and flowers alive. Surprisingly, my sister is an extremely talented agriculture teacher. Her hobby is growing flowers. My sister understands my lack of gardening talents. For this reason, she gives me a few hanging baskets of geraniums each year. She knows that these flowers are easy to maintain. Thankfully, I seem to have success growing these gorgeous flowers. They bloom nearly all year on my front porch. On this blog, I hope you will discover the easiest plants and flowers to grow. Enjoy!


4 Texas-Inspired Gift Ideas For A New Baby

13 March 2020
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

The arrival of a new baby offers the perfect opportunity to celebrate with gifts. Give the new parents a gift they'll remember with a present inspired by the Lone Star state. Here are a few ideas suitable for new parents and their baby.

1. A Sports-Themed Onesie

If the parents are big fans of sports teams located in Texas, give their baby a onesie with the logo or mascot of their favorite sports team. Whether the parents like baseball, football, or basketball, you're sure to find a onesie that helps them spread their team spirit to their baby. Once their baby outgrows the onesie, they can save it as a keepsake. 

2. A Baby Rattle Inspired by Texas Themes

Baby rattles are a timeless gift for multiple reasons; not only do they help the baby work on their grasping skills, but they require minimal storage space and they're perfect for throwing in the diaper bag when parents need entertainment for the baby while they're on the go. Rattles also have bright colors and interesting designs that hold the baby's attention. 

There are numerous rattle designs inspired by the state of Texas. You can select a rattle that features an outline of the state's shape, or you might choose a piece that showcases something Texas is popular for, like longhorn cattle. Or, stick with the sports theme and pick up a rattle that boasts a sports emblem or mascot. 

3. A Texas-Themed Board Book

It's never too early for parents to start reading to their baby. Not only does reading provide a relaxing opportunity for bonding, but it assists the baby with acquiring meaningful language. Board books are perfect for babies thanks to their durability. Even if the baby tries to take a bite out of the book, it'll stay as good as new.

You can choose from an assortment of Texas-themed board books. One option introduces the baby to the alphabet using symbols and themes associated with Texas. Another features numbers that incorporate Texas customs and mascots. Or you can get baby started on history at a young age with a simple board book that talks about the founding of Texas.

4. A Texas-Inspired Picture Frame

A picture frame gives parents a place to display their favorite baby pictures and new family memories. You can also customize the style and size of the picture frame so that it suits the parents' design preferences.

Are they into modern decor? Look for a frame with clean lines that incorporates the colors of the Texas flag. If the parents prefer a rustic look, you can pick up a wood frame with an image of the state of Texas. 

To learn more, contact a store that carries Texas-themed gifts.