Those House Numbers Are Lit: Buying Illuminated House Numbers

About Me
Beautiful Hanging Baskets

Like my mom, I’ve never been good at gardening. Sadly, I usually have extreme difficulties keeping plants and flowers alive. Surprisingly, my sister is an extremely talented agriculture teacher. Her hobby is growing flowers. My sister understands my lack of gardening talents. For this reason, she gives me a few hanging baskets of geraniums each year. She knows that these flowers are easy to maintain. Thankfully, I seem to have success growing these gorgeous flowers. They bloom nearly all year on my front porch. On this blog, I hope you will discover the easiest plants and flowers to grow. Enjoy!


Those House Numbers Are Lit: Buying Illuminated House Numbers

13 August 2020
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Everyone has experienced the annoyance of driving around in the dark trying to find a house number. To avoid this problem, many homeowners are using illuminated house numbers in place of regular numbers. Light-up house numbers ensure your guests won't lose their way in the dark while adding contemporary appeal at the same time. If you're a frequent entertainer, it's definitely worth considering whether this update is right for your home.

House numbers are a huge contributor to the overall style and appeal of your exterior. With so many different choices available for light-up numbers, how do you select which option is right for you? Here are some criteria that will help narrow down your decision:

1. Type of power

Illuminated house numbers come in a range of options including solar-powered, LED, and neon-backlit. Your choice of lighting style will depend on how you want to power the house numbers and how long you need them lit. Solar power is convenient because no batteries are needed, but the lighting time will be limited by how long the unit is able to charge during the day. LED lighting offers a wide selection of styles, while neon provides a particularly modern look. Some number units go a step further and have remote control modes, with on/off functions and changeable colors to fit the mood and occasion. 

2. Font, color, spacing, and size

The house number font is an immediate signal for the home's aesthetic. Fonts that are decorative and script-like may be stylish but not as readable as boldface type. The color should contrast with the background: light-colored numbers on a dark background and vice versa.

Spacing (or "kerning," as designers would call it) is important for readability. When numbers are mounted too closely, visibility is reduced. Consider the number size also; the numbers should be easily readable from the middle of the street. You might need to increase the size if the mounting location is further from the street's midpoint. Most house numbers should be at least four inches tall. Some HOAs have specific guidelines to maintain consistency across a subdivision, so make sure to check the regulations in your area before making big changes.

3. Added safety

Visible house numbers are not just useful for guiding your friends at night. Safety is just as important. The more visible your house numbers, the quicker emergency responders such as firefighters and ambulance workers will be able to find you in a crisis situation. Adding light to your house numbers is one simple way to add convenience and safety to your property.