3 Questions To Ask Before You Buy Backlit Home Numbers

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Beautiful Hanging Baskets

Like my mom, I’ve never been good at gardening. Sadly, I usually have extreme difficulties keeping plants and flowers alive. Surprisingly, my sister is an extremely talented agriculture teacher. Her hobby is growing flowers. My sister understands my lack of gardening talents. For this reason, she gives me a few hanging baskets of geraniums each year. She knows that these flowers are easy to maintain. Thankfully, I seem to have success growing these gorgeous flowers. They bloom nearly all year on my front porch. On this blog, I hope you will discover the easiest plants and flowers to grow. Enjoy!


3 Questions To Ask Before You Buy Backlit Home Numbers

22 April 2022
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Before you buy and install backlit home numbers, take some time to look at product features. While backlit numbers all do the same kind of job, some have more useful features than others. To find the right solution for the outside of your home, ask yourself the following questions.

1. How Will You Power The Numbers?

Some backlit home numbers use LED technology. This is a good energy solution. LED lights usually last for a lot longer than regular lights; they also need less energy to run.

However, LED systems aren't your only option here. You can also buy solar-powered backlit house number systems. Here, your numbers usually come with a small solar panel at the top. This panel naturally harvests sunlight and converts it into power to illuminate your numbers.

If you prefer a solar-powered product, then make sure that the unit will get enough sun. If you'll put your numbers in a shaded area on your home, then they might not get enough light to power themselves. If you can't position the numbers to get enough sun, then LED products will be a better choice.

2. Will The Numbers Stay On All The Time?

Some backlit home numbers stay illuminated all of the time. You won't notice the light so much during the day, so this might not bother you. The numbers will also already be lit when you need them to be.

However, if you prefer to have more control over these lights, then look for products with control switches. You can also buy lights with twilight sensor controls. These lights illuminate automatically once their sensors detect that light is dimming at the end of the day. They'll then stay on all night until the sun comes up the next day.

3. Do You Want Any Extra Security?

While many people install backlit home numbers because they make the outside of their homes look more attractive, these units can have some security benefits. If you want to add to your external home security, then you can make your numbers work for you.

For example, if you buy units with proximity or motion control sensors, then they will light up when someone approaches your home. This is useful for you if you come home when it is dark. You'll feel safer with a bit of light around you.

Plus, any light that comes on when someone approaches your home has some security benefits. It might be enough to spook an intruder.

To find out more, take a look at some backlit house numbers products.