What To Know About Home Inspections

About Me
Beautiful Hanging Baskets

Like my mom, I’ve never been good at gardening. Sadly, I usually have extreme difficulties keeping plants and flowers alive. Surprisingly, my sister is an extremely talented agriculture teacher. Her hobby is growing flowers. My sister understands my lack of gardening talents. For this reason, she gives me a few hanging baskets of geraniums each year. She knows that these flowers are easy to maintain. Thankfully, I seem to have success growing these gorgeous flowers. They bloom nearly all year on my front porch. On this blog, I hope you will discover the easiest plants and flowers to grow. Enjoy!


What To Know About Home Inspections

20 June 2022
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When buying a home, knowing as much as possible about the property is crucial before you close. While skipping out on a home inspection can be tempting, especially in a hot real estate market, it's best to go through this process. Home inspections give you invaluable information about a home's condition before the sale is final. If you are buying a home, here's what you need to know about home inspections.

What They Include

The first thing you need to know about house inspections is how they work and what they include. A home inspector is a professional who will look at a property and give you a detailed report on its condition. A home inspector's report contains information about any safety concerns or damage in the home. You'll also get valuable information on the age and condition of any home appliances. Home inspections allow you to go into the home buying process with open eyes. 

You May Want To Negotiate After One

During a house inspection, the inspector will go from top to bottom throughout the home. Often house inspections discover problems sellers aren't even aware are present. A home inspection will take between two and three hours, and inspectors can provide a lot of information after spending that much time examining a property. Once you have all the information from an inspection, you may want to negotiate with the sellers. For example, if a house inspection finds that the roof needs to be replaced, you may want to ask the seller to replace the roof or reduce their asking price. 

How Much They Cost

How much you pay for a home inspection will vary depending on a few factors: home size, location, and age all impact the cost of an inspection. Most home inspections cost between $279 and $399. While house inspections aren't cheap, they are well worth the peace of mind they offer. Buying a home is one of the most significant decisions you can make, and knowing what you are getting into before closing is vital. 

If you are buying a home, getting a home inspection is crucial. Here's what to know about home inspections. First, home inspections include valuable information about the condition of a home and will identify any damage or problems that could cost you. Second, after a home inspection, you may want to negotiate with the seller depending on the findings in the report. Finally, a home inspection costs a few hundred dollars, but the information it offers is well worth the expense.