Demystifying Electrical Supplies: Breakers, Fuses, And More Explained

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Beautiful Hanging Baskets

Like my mom, I’ve never been good at gardening. Sadly, I usually have extreme difficulties keeping plants and flowers alive. Surprisingly, my sister is an extremely talented agriculture teacher. Her hobby is growing flowers. My sister understands my lack of gardening talents. For this reason, she gives me a few hanging baskets of geraniums each year. She knows that these flowers are easy to maintain. Thankfully, I seem to have success growing these gorgeous flowers. They bloom nearly all year on my front porch. On this blog, I hope you will discover the easiest plants and flowers to grow. Enjoy!


Demystifying Electrical Supplies: Breakers, Fuses, And More Explained

15 May 2023
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you're like most homeowners, you might be familiar with the terms breakers, fuses, and more when it comes to electrical supplies, but do you really know what they do and how they work? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people are unsure of the ins and outs of these essential electrical safety devices. Here's what homeowners should know about the basics of breakers, fuses, and other key components in their household electrical system:

Fuses — A Time-Tested Safety Solution

Fuses are commonly found in older homes and some appliances. They work by using a thin wire or strip of metal that melts when too much current passes through it. This breaks the circuit and cuts off power, protecting your electrical system from damage.

Unlike circuit breakers, fuses are one-time-use devices. Once a fuse has blown, you need to replace it with a new one of the same amperage rating. It's essential to use the correct fuse size to ensure proper protection for your electrical system. However, modern households typically use a greater amount of electricity than those built during the time when fuses were in common use — those in older homes should consider replacing their fuse boxes with circuit breakers to ensure their family's electrical needs are met. 

Circuit Breakers — Your Home's Protective Shield

When you open your home's electrical panel, you'll likely see a series of circuit breakers. These small switches are designed to automatically shut off power to a specific circuit when an electrical fault occurs. The breaker trips, cutting off power and protecting your home and its occupants.

Circuit breakers come in various sizes and types, depending on the electrical load they are designed to handle. You might find single-pole, double-pole, or even three-pole breakers in your panel, each with a different amperage rating. When a circuit breaker trips, you can easily reset it by flipping the switch back to the "on" position.

GFCI Outlets — An Extra Layer of Protection

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets are another essential electrical safety device. These specialized outlets are designed to protect you from electrical shock by detecting imbalances in current flow. When an imbalance is detected, the GFCI outlet quickly cuts off power, preventing injury.

You'll typically find GFCI outlets in areas where water may be present, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor locations. They're easily recognizable by their "test" and "reset" buttons. 

The Role of Surge Protectors

Surge protectors are another critical component in your home's electrical safety system. They safeguard your electronic devices from voltage spikes that can cause damage or even complete failure. By plugging your devices into a surge protector, you're adding an extra layer of defense against power surges, lightning strikes, and other electrical disturbances.

Contact a professional for more information about electrical supplies